When Keeping Your Site Secure, Don’t Forget About Citations
Does your site have HTTPS yet? If not, you should certainly be transitioning it to keep your site at the top of rankings and in great standing with your users.
Does your site have HTTPS yet? If not, you should certainly be transitioning it to keep your site at the top of rankings and in great standing with your users.
Since 2004, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, or NCSAM, has helped to promote and encourage protection of all online assets and infrastructures for businesses and individuals.
You’ve probably seen the tiny green lockbox icon pop up in your URL bar as you log-in to your email or bank account, but did you know the importance of this icon and why it’s displayed?
Treat your Practis Forms user credentials like you would your toothbrush.
Did you know that under HIPAA, each person in your practice who needs permission to view form submissions should have their own log-in?
ePHI is any information that can identify who the health-related information belongs to.
Protected health information (PHI) is any information in the medical record record that can be used to identify an individual and that was created,
Medical and dental practices are feeling an increased pressure to become paperless.
The government is requiring it, patients like the convenience and you, as an administrator,
A safe, secure password is your first line of defense against hackers. The following tips will help ensure that your email, website and other accounts are safe from intruders.