Model Notice of Privacy Practices for HIPAA HITECH Compliance Released by OCR and ONC

Practis Blog

Developed by HHS Office for Civil Rights and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, OCR and ONC recently released model Notices of Privacy Practices for health care providers to use to communicate with their patients.Per their website,  “The models reflect the regulatory changes of the Omnibus Rule and can serve as the baseline for covered entities working to come into compliance with the new requirements.”

These are available in the following formats:

  • booklet;
  • layered notice with a summary of the information on the first page and full content on additional pages;
  • notice with the design elements of a booklet;
  • text only version.

You may download them directly by visiting

We would advise our clients to ensure that their Notice of Privacy Practices posted on their websites are updated to reflect any needed changes in compliance with this rule.


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