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Table of Contents
ToggleEating Healthy: Find Your “Why”
There’s no “one size fits all” way to eat healthy. Your lifestyle, budget, family, and emotions all play a part. Some people find that writing down everything they eat helps. Others clean out their kitchen and start the week with a good meal plan. You have the strength to do this. What small steps can you take tomorrow to get started?
[Create a hyperlink to the video Healthy Eating: What Will Make It Work for You? on your website. DOCHWID=abq0137]
Protein, Carbs, and Fat: Your Recipe for Success
What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. Protein, carbohydrates (carbs), and fat all play a part in giving you energy and helping you build muscle. And don’t forget to drink enough water, especially after exercising or spending time outside in hot weather. Learn more about how to eat a balanced diet and give your body what it needs.
[Create a hyperlink to Nutrition and Physical Activity on your website. DOCHWID=ta1294]
Keeping Your Student With Diabetes Safe at School
A child who has diabetes faces food challenges when starting school. Lunchtime, class parties, snacks, and breakfast need to be planned and talked about ahead of time. Explain to teachers, the school nurse, and other adults what your child can and cannot eat. Teach them the signs of low and high blood sugar as well. Most importantly, talk with your child to make sure they know how to make good decisions and the reasons behind those choices. Discover more tips for keeping your student with diabetes safe at school.
[Create a hyperlink to Diabetes in Children: Food Issues at School on your website. DOCHWID=uq2552abc]
The Challenges of Eating Healthy as an Older Adult
Good nutrition is important at any age, but it can be especially important for older adults. The right diet can keep your body strong and lower your risk for some diseases. But decreased appetite, a tight budget, or cooking for one might keep you from planning meals or eating as often as you used to. Learn more about common nutrition problems older adults face and ideas to help you eat healthy.
[Create a hyperlink to Healthy Eating and Older Adults on your website. DOCHWID=ug2132]
Social Media Teasers
- There’s no “one size fits all” way to eat healthy. What small steps can you take tomorrow to get started?
[Create a shortened URL to the video Healthy Eating: What Will Make It Work for You? on your website. DOCHWID=abq0137] - What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. Learn how the right foods and enough water can keep your body healthy and happy. [Create a shortened URL to Nutrition and Physical Activity on your website. DOCHWID=ta1294]
- Kids with diabetes face food challenges at school. Discover tips to keep your child safe and healthy in class.
[Create a shortened URL to Diabetes in Children: Food Issues at School on your website. DOCHWID=uq2552abc] - Good nutrition is especially important for older adults. Learn how the right foods can keep your body strong and lower your risk for some diseases. [Create a shortened URL to Healthy Eating and Older Adults on your website. DOCHWID=ug2132]