HealthLinks – National Birth Defects Prevention Month

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Want a healthy pregnancy? Here’s what you need to know

Ready for a baby? You may be wondering how to prepare your body and adjust your lifestyle for the healthiest possible pregnancy. It’s smart to get regular exercise, eat healthy foods, and take folic acid. Choosing a doctor for pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond is important too. Find helpful tips to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

[Create a hyperlink to the Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy topic on your website. DOCHWID=hw195050]

Pregnant? Take care of yourself with these healthy tips

Eat this, don’t drink that. Do this. Don’t do that. Pregnant women may feel bombarded by advice. It can be hard to sift through the good, not-so-good, and bad ideas when it comes to having a healthy pregnancy. Good advice includes staying active, eating healthy foods, and taking folic acid. Check out more tips about good habits during pregnancy.

[Create a hyperlink to the Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits topic on your website. DOCHWID=hw195410]

Why folic acid is a big deal and how to get more of it

There’s a lot of talk about getting enough folic acid before and during pregnancy. Women who don’t get enough folic acid before and during pregnancy are more likely to have a child born with a birth defect. It’s a good idea to take folic acid every day—especially before becoming pregnant. Learn more about how folic acid helps prevent certain birth defects, how much you need, and ways to get plenty of it.

[Create a hyperlink to the Getting Enough Folic Acid topic on your website. DOCHWID=ue2418]

Should you have screening tests for birth defects during pregnancy? Here’s help deciding

Some prenatal screening tests can help determine whether a baby is likely to have certain birth defects. Whether to have these specific tests can be a tough decision for some people. Some women choose not to have tests. Some find that having screenings helps them feel more prepared. Use this interactive tool to help you decide whether to have screening and diagnostic tests during pregnancy.

[Create a hyperlink to the decision point Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? on your website. DOCHWID=aa21828]

Social Media Teasers

Want a healthy pregnancy? Find out how to get your body and your lifestyle ready for baby. 
[Create a shortened URL to the Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy topic on your website. DOCHWID=hw195050]

Excited about your pregnancy? It’s key to get regular prenatal care, eat a balanced diet, and get plenty of folic acid. Find more tips here.
[Create a shortened URL to the Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits topic on your website. DOCHWID=hw195410]

Here’s what you need to know about folic acid before, during, and after pregnancy. 
[Create a shortened URL to the Getting Enough Folic Acid topic on your website. DOCHWID=ue2418]

Thinking about prenatal screening tests for potential birth defects? Try this interactive tool.
[Create a shortened URL to the Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? decision point on your website. DOCHWID=aa21828]


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