Empower Your COPD Journey: Insights and Strategies for Better Living

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1.Take Control of Your COPD Attacks

When your COPD suddenly gets worse, it’s called a “flare-up” or “attack.” It becomes harder to breathe, and you might feel tired or cough more. These flare-ups can be caused by things like a chest infection, air pollution, or a sudden change in temperature. A COPD attack feels scary, but knowing how to control it can keep you from panicking. Learn how to use your inhaler and spacer before you need them, and take any medicine your doctor has given you. Get a flu shot as well, so you don’t get sick this winter. Learn more about coping with COPD attacks.

[Create a hyperlink to COPD Action Plan on your website. DOCHWID=abr2120]

2. Give Your Lungs What They Want

Getting enough air is hard when you have a lung disease like COPD, asthma, or pneumonia. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to keep your breathing from getting worse. Giving up cigarettes is one of the toughest things you’ll ever do—and it might take more than one try—but you’ll feel so much better that it will be worth it. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for support. Whether you’re quitting today or just planning ahead, these tips will help you breathe easier and become smoke-free when you’re ready.

[Create a hyperlink to Quitting Smoking on your website. DOCHWID=qtsmk]

3. Living With COPD

It’s sometimes hard to breathe when you have COPD. Even simple things, like getting dressed or cooking a meal, might be tough. COPD can’t be cured, but you can help prevent it from getting worse. If you smoke, the best thing you can do for yourself is to quit. Exercise, inhalers, and practicing new ways to breathe can also help you feel better. You’re more likely to get lung infections, so now is the time to get your flu shot! Ask your doctor if you should also get a pneumococcal shot, to keep you from getting as sick if you get pneumonia. Learn more about how to breathe easy and stay healthy when you have COPD.

[Create a hyperlink to COPD on your website. DOCHWID=hw32559]

4. Practice Makes Perfect: Breathe Better With COPD

COPD makes you feel out of breath. But did you know you can teach yourself to breathe better? For example, pursing your lips or bending forward at the waist may help you get more air and feel better. The trick is to practice regularly until it becomes a habit—trying to remember how to do your breathing exercises can be hard when you’re in the middle of a COPD attack. Learn more about how to do these breathing exercises and try them out today.

[Create a hyperlink to COPD: Learning to Breathe Easier on your website. DOCHWID=zx3179]

Social Media Teasers

  • COPD attacks are more common this time of year. Learn to handle flare-ups—and possibly head them off at the pass. [Create a shortened URL to COPD: Handling a Flare-Up on your website. DOCHWID=abr2120]
  • Whether you’re quitting today or just planning ahead, these tips will help you breathe easier and become smoke-free when you’re ready. [Create a shortened URL to to Quitting Smoking on your website. DOCHWID=qtsmk]
  • Learn how to breathe easier and live a healthy life with COPD. Also, now is the time to get your flu shot! [Create a shortened URL to COPD on your website. DOCHWID=hw32559]
  • If COPD has you feeling out of breath, these breathing exercises can help. Practice makes perfect! [Create a shortened URL to COPD: Learning to Breathe Easier on your website. DOCHWID=zx3179]

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