Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other patient materials.
Too often a health problem turns into a crisis when it could have been treated early. Unfortunately, men often wait for a crisis before they decide to visit the doctor. A doctor visit is a small price to pay to prevent a devastating disease. Sometimes, by the time a symptom shows up, it may be more difficult to cure or manage the disease. Your job is to take control of your own health care. So, if you’re the type who avoids the doctor, you might want to change your game plan. Start here to find out which health screenings you need…

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