February Healthlinks: Sleep Awareness

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Blog Articles

Sleep solutions

Sleep is important for your physical and emotional health. It can help you stay healthy and make you feel less stressed. But what should you do when you’ve been trying to doze off for endless hours and nothing is working? Take a deep breath—better sleep is on the way. Making changes to your sleeping area, bedtime routine, and daily activities can help even the worst tossers and turners get some refreshing rest. Here are more expert solutions to help you get some much-needed sleep. [Create a hyperlink to the Sleeping Better Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=af1001spec]

Your body on a lack of sleep

You may know that sleep is good for you. But did you know that not getting enough sleep is linked with many long-term health problems, including diabetes, obesity, and depression? Sleep helps heal our bodies and minds by allowing time for us to grow and repair cells and form new pathways for learning and remembering. Why is sleep so hard for us to achieve? Things like traveling or too much caffeine can trigger insomnia, though stress and worry can also keep you from resting well. Find out what else gets in the way of sleep and what you can do to help. [Create a hyperlink to the Sleep and Your Health Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=abq4925]

Counting sleep

It’s 3 a.m. and you’re wide awake. Again. What’s the deal? We all experience an occasional toss-and-turn night, but insomnia—not being able to fall or stay asleep—can become frustrating if it occurs often. Before you turn to prescription sleeping pills, check out some of the many things that experts agree can help you sleep better—like following a sleep routine, exercising, limiting caffeine and alcohol too close to bedtime, and getting stress in check with things like yoga or meditation. Here are more tips for improving your sleep. [Create a hyperlink to the Insomnia: Improving Your Sleep Actionset on your website. DOCHWID= zq1031]

Tips to get your kids to sleep—so you can too

It’s normal for kids to have a hard time falling or staying asleep sometimes. But it can be very frustrating for your child and you—especially if it happens often. There isn’t a cure-all or magic fix but there are things you can do to help you and your children have a better night’s sleep. The key is to find a comforting bedtime routine and consistent bedtimes that work for your child at each stage of development. No matter what the age, we have tips that will help the entire family get some shut-eye. Use this helpful guide to put the sleep disrupters to bed for good. [Create a hyperlink to the Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=abh0127]

Social Media Teasers

  • Making changes to your daily routine could be the first step to helping you sleep better. Here are more sleep solutions for refreshing rest.  [Create a shortened URL to the Sleeping Better Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=af1001spec]
  • Sleep helps your brain recharge and your body repair. Discover what gets in the way of sleep and what you can do to help. [Create a shortened URL to the Sleep and Your Health Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=abq4925]
  • Can’t sleep? Use this helpful guide to help you say goodnight—and mean it. [Create a shortened URL to the Insomnia: Improving Your Sleep Actionset on your website. DOCHWID= zq1031]
  • No matter what the age, we have tips that will help the entire family get a good night’s sleep. [Create a shortened URL to the Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=abh0127]

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