The Pediatrician’s Guide to Marketing Back-to-School Services

Practis Blog
how to market your pediatric practice in the back to school time

As the back-to-school season quickly approaches,  your calendar will be filled with families wanting back-to-school immunizations, sports physicals, and well-child visits. It’s a great opportunity to get new patients in the door. It’s essential to effectively market your back-to-school services and attract new patients before the school year starts. To help out, we’ve created a quick guide to help spread the word about your back-to-school pediatric services on your website, email, and in person. 

10  Tips to Help Get Your Pediatric Website Ready for Back-to-School

1. Feature information about your back-to-school services

Be sure your site has content about the benefits of scheduling appointments, immunizations, and preventive care before the school year starts. Use concise and compelling language to capture the attention of parents.

2. Make scheduling an appointment online easy

Integrating an online appointment scheduling feature on your website to make requesting an appointment fast and convenient, saving time and reducing phone call volume for your staff. 

3. Verify that your contact information is up to date

  Make sure your website displays accurate and up-to-date contact information, including your phone number, email address, and physical address. Parents should be able to reach your office easily for inquiries, appointment requests, or emergency situations.

4. Add  helpful educational resources, videos and FAQs to your website

Providing informative patient-centered content in the form of blog articles, videos, or downloadable documents that address common topics like vaccinations, nutrition, sleep hygiene, and managing stress. This will position your practice as a reliable and trusted provider. Consider adding a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to address common queries parents may have.

5. Collect and promote online reviews

 Consider displaying positive reviews from  platforms like Google, Facebook, or your practice’s website. Positive reviews enhance your credibility and reputation, influencing prospective parents’ decision-making so consider featuring them on a dedicated page or throughout your website to highlight the positive experiences of parents.  

6. Ensure your website is mobile friendly

  For pediatric websites, a significant portion of web traffic comes from mobile users, so It’s crucial to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience across different screen sizes. 

7. Ensure your site is compliant with accessibility guidelines

  Make your website accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Follow accessibility guidelines such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that your website is navigable, readable, and usable for everyone, and be sure to provide alternative text for images, use proper heading structure, and ensure color contrast is appropriate.

8.  Integrate your site with your practice’s social media channels

Consider incorporating social media links to your practice’s social media profiles on your website. This allows visitors to easily connect with your practice through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 

9. Feature announcements page on your website

  Create a dedicated section on your website for news and announcements related to back-to-school topics. This can include updates on vaccination requirements, any policy changes, backpack guidelines, or new services offered during the back-to-school season. You may also choose to include any practice policies regarding school and athletic form completion. Regularly update this section to keep parents informed.

10. Make sure your privacy policy is clearly communicated and in accordance with current data protection regulations

Ensure that your website is secure and protects the privacy of patient information. You’ll also want to ensure you’re utilizing secure socket layer (SSL) certificates to encrypt data transmission and use secure forms for any patient information collected through the website.

7 Ways to Use Email Marketing in Your Pediatric Practice for Back to School Season:

1. Make sure you have a good list with updated email addresses from your patients’ parents and guardians

Then segment your list based on various criteria such as age groups, existing patients, or specific health concerns. This allows you to send targeted and personalized emails, increasing their relevance and effectiveness.

2. Use Catchy Subject Lines

Highlight the importance of back-to-school check-ups, vaccinations, or any special offers or incentives you are providing. Make sure the subject line is clear, concise, and creates a sense of urgency or value.

3. Educate your patients

 Educate parents about the significance of back-to-school check-ups, the importance of immunizations, and common health concerns during the school year. Share tips on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and managing stress. Show that you are a reliable source of information and care.

4. Always include a call-to-action (CTA)

Clearly state the desired action you want parents to take, such as scheduling an appointment or contacting your office. Make the CTA stand out by using buttons or bold text, and ensure it is linked to the relevant page on your website or online scheduling platform for easy access.

5. Send reminder emails

 As the back-to-school season approaches, send reminder emails to parents who have not yet scheduled appointments and continue to emphasize the importance of timely check-ups and vaccinations to ensure children are prepared for the academic year. 

6. Make sure your emails are mobile friendly 

A significant portion of email opens occur on mobile devices, so it’s crucial to provide a seamless experience for parents accessing their emails on smartphones or tablets. 

7. Don’t forget to comply with HIPAA and email regulations

Be sure you stay up to date with email marketing regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the CAN-SPAM Act, to ensure you are following best practices and protecting the privacy of your patients.

3 creative promotional ideas your pediatric practice can use to stand out during the back-to-school rush:

1. Collaborate with schools

Partner with local schools and educational institutions. Offer to conduct health talks, provide informative brochures or flyers, or participate in parent-teacher association meetings. This collaboration can help establish your practice as a trusted resource for child healthcare.

2. Host educational events or webinars 

Organize events or webinars aimed at educating parents about common health concerns during the school year. Topics can include nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, and recognizing symptoms of common illnesses. Ensure that these events provide valuable information and position your practice as an expert in pediatric care.

3. Collaborate with local businesses 

Partner with businesses that cater to parents, such as toy stores, children’s clothing stores, or bookstores. Exchange promotional materials or offer mutual discounts to increase your reach and exposure to potential patients

Don’t miss out on a great time of year to grow your pediatric patient base!

Marketing your back-to-school services effectively is vital to ensure a successful and well-prepared practice during the busy season. By raising awareness, engaging with parents, and providing valuable information,  you can attract new patients and position your pediatric practice as a trusted partner in children’s health and well-being. 

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