Special eHealthLinks Edition: Coronavirus

Practis Blog

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content up-to-date for the latest in the Coronavirus and other Flu-related illnesses that frequently occur this time of year.  Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics.

What Are Coronaviruses?

Coronaviruses are common—they are viruses that sometimes make people and animals sick. They usually spread the same way a regular cold or the flu does. Most people will recover, but in rare cases, viruses and colds can be dangerous. The best ways to keep germs from spreading are to wash your hands often, keep your hands away from your face, and stay home if you think you might be sick. Learn more about how to treat a cold yourself—and when to call a doctor.

[Create a hyperlink to Colds on your website. DOCHWID=zx1780]

Staying Healthy When You’re Away From Home

Crowded airplanes, lack of sleep, and exposure to new germs your body doesn’t know how to fight can make it hard to stay healthy when traveling. The recent outbreak of coronavirus in several countries is a good reminder to plan ahead so you don’t get sick. The most important step is to avoid passing germs around. Wash your hands regularly, wipe down surfaces on planes, and wear a mask if you’re coughing or sneezing. Traveling soon? Get more tips on how to stay healthy when you’re away from home.

[Create a hyperlink to Travel Health on your website. DOCHWID=te7636]

The Best Way to Avoid Colds and Viruses

Germs can cause all sorts of illnesses, including coronavirus, the flu, and the common cold. Some of these viruses have been around for centuries, while others are new, but the best way to keep them from spreading is still the same: Wash your hands. Scrub with soap and water for at least 20 seconds when you eat, prepare food, go to the bathroom, cough, sneeze, or touch animals. Keep hand sanitizer on your desk, in your car, or in your bag for times when you don’t have soap. Washing your hands may seem like a small thing, but it can keep you and the people around you safe and healthy.

[Create a hyperlink to Hand-Washing on your website. DOCHWID=tv7076spec]

Social Media Teasers

  • With the recent outbreak of coronavirus, staying healthy when traveling is more important than ever. Traveling soon? Get the scoop.
    [Create a shortened URL to Travel Health on your website. DOCHWID=te7636]
  • Old virus or new, the best way to avoid the spread of many illnesses is the same: Wash your hands!
    [Create a shortened URL to Hand-Washing on your website. DOCHWID=tv7076spec]
  • Coronaviruses, colds, and the flu are no joke. Learn how to stay healthy and avoid spreading germs this season.
    [Create a shortened URL to Colds on your website. DOCHWID=zx1780]

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