Partner Reviews

Professional, Courteous & Quick to Respond

Medtronic Logo
Practis has been our customer website provider for several years. They are always professional, courteous and quick to respond. Many of our customers have used Practis to develop and host their practice websites and all speak very highly of their experience with Practis. I personally find them a joy to work with and recommend them highly.

Delighted with our Partnership!


The Practis team did an amazing job of onboarding some of our distributors in short order. The simplicity, professionalism and urgency of the team, and its offerings, is truly remarkable. We have been delighted with our partnership and continuously hear how impressed our distributors are with Practis.

For context – we have 53 distributors, many who are too busy to worry about their individual websites. Looking to syndicate and leverage our brand across these websites and ours, using Encounter, we are now able to push content to their websites. This helps to ensure that the latest and most relevant information regarding our products and services is available on their websites. Practis provides us that kind of capability and they can offer more if needed ( logo design SEO etc.)

Once again, we are thrilled with Practis and anticipate a greater brand awareness which can lead to more top line growth for all of our partners.


The Most Compliant Way to Deliver Branded Content to Affiliated Customers

Endogastric Solutions

Many times, I have used Practis to build corporate websites & templates for medical practitioners to create great digital storefronts–so many times, in fact, that I’ve lost track. The Practis Partner Program and their Encounter Health application is THE best way to house branded regulatory-released content.

The template program that feeds Encounter Health content is THE most compliant way to deliver branded content to product users. This is a must have program any Marketing Toolkit you provide your customers!

Endogastric Solutions

Practis is now Onspire Health Marketing!